
Meet Muffin! As his senior human is now in palliative care, this sweet baby boy is in need of a second forever home.

Muffin was found by his senior human when he was just a kitten. As his human had devoted most of her life to rescuing cats in her community, she didn’t think twice about taking him the moment she found him.

Muffin is a playful boy who loves to spend his days chasing toys, watching cat TV or snoozing in a cat tree. He is a sweet boy who loves to be loved — especially at night when he curls up with his human and snuggles with her in her bed.

Location: St Malo, Manitoba
Availability: immediately

Muffin has experience with cats and dogs but doesn’t have experience with young children. He currently lives with two other cats Skitter and Tango, who are also available for adoption.

If you are interested, email with the subject line MUFFIN


Skitter and Tango

