tips for giving cats injections
If you don’t have a medical background, the thought of giving a cat an injection can be scary. In reality, it is quite simple to learn and easy to administer once you get the hang of it.
Remain Calm
The most important tip is to remain calm and be prepared. Make sure you have all the supplies you need within reach and have reviewed the directions provided by your veterinarian. You can also contact your vet if you have any questions, they are always happy to help — especially if you are new at this!
If your veterinarian has prescribed a sedative or calming aid, make sure you administer that first. You can find helpful tips here.
Giving the Injection
— Pinch some loose skin between your thumb and forefinger in the location where your vet wants you to give the injection. Gently lift up the skin to create a fold or tent.
— Hold the syringe firmly in your dominant hand in a way that feels comfortable.
— Insert the needle into the fold of the skin and give the contents of the syringe.
— If the needle pokes through the skin, stop and readjust the needle position.
— Once the injection is given, withdraw the needle and gently massage the area.
Positive Reinforcement
Always offer your cat a treat or two after to create a positive experience. Many cats who have daily injections that have been given treats afterwards as positive reinforcement get excited for their injections. Well, maybe just the post-injection treats.
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