
When her senior human’s dementia progressed and she had to move into a long-term care home, her beloved 17-year-old cat, Lilly, was in need of a second forever home. When her senior moved into a care home, Lilly moved in with her human’s daughter, but as she had a dog that didn’t get along with cats, it was only a temporary solution. That’s when the family contacted My Grandfather’s Cat.

We began the adoption over the holidays with the help of our volunteer, Alex. While this was not an ideal time to adopt, MGC still made every effort to find Lilly a home. It only took a few days into the new year for applications to come in, and for one applicant to stand out, Carolyn.

After the daughter spoke to Carolyn, she knew this incredible lady was the perfect person to adopt Lilly. Carolyn even took the time to call Lilly’s senior human.

“Five minutes after the call my Mom didn’t remember talking to Carolyn on the phone but when she was talking to her, I could see a wave of comfort on her face.”

Before Lilly moved to Carolyn’s home, the daughter decided to take Lilly to see her mom at the care home one last time. They snuggled, were able to say goodbye, and even took a few precious photos together.

A kind family member drove Lilly to Carolyn’s home the next day. In just a couple weeks, Lilly has already made herself at home. She has become comfortable in her new home and, although she doesn't love her new pug brother, Frank, she tolerates him as long as they are sitting on opposite sides of the couch.

“Even if the long-term care home did allow pets, my mom's dementia is too far gone and she wouldn't have able able to care of her. I take great comfort knowing Lilly is going to someone who wants to give her lots of love. What MGC does matters, you make a difference in lives.”



