the 3-3-3 rule
The 3-3-3 rule refers to the first three days, three weeks and three months after you adopt a cat. While every cat is different, these are three milestones you that can help you set expectations on how your cat will adjust.
Three Days
When you first bring a cat into your home, they can be scared and overwhelmed. It is common for cats to hide as they acclimate to their new surroundings. Some cats may even be too scared to eat or drink within the first three days. You can help your new cat adjust by creating a safe space for them to hide, create routine with consistent mealtimes and making sure you give them the time and space they need to adjust.
Three Weeks
After three weeks, your cat may start to get used to their new home, adjusting to routines and mealtimes. At this time, many cats start to venture out of their safe space and begin to show their personalities. Don’t fret if your cat is taking longer venture out of their safe space, just keep being patient and let them venture out when they are ready.
Three Months
When you reach three months, most cats realize this is their second forever home. They have come out of their safe space, are well established in their routine and are showing you their true personalities.
Alumni Featured: Clara
When her human passed away, she was in need of a second forever home. It took three months, and a lot of patience, but she has now settled in.