what to expect when you adopt a senior cat
The love you receive when you adopt a senior cat is unmatched. While families want to open their hearts and homes to adopt senior cats, they often have questions on what to expect. Here are a few things you may experience when you adopt a senior cat.
More Frequent Vet Visits
Just like when humans get older and experience health issues, cats can experience similar health issues. Many also choose to get regular senior cat bloodwork panels completed. To ensure they are prepared, many families create a little fund to save for these visits when adopting a senior cat.
Picky Eaters
Many cats become picky eaters when they get older. It helps to have a few different flavours of food on hand. You can also introduce probiotics into their diets which many cats find irresistible.
Mobility Issues
While many senior cats act like spring chickens, some experience mobility issues. You can prepare for this by having a lower litter box, mats for traction and even little stairs to help them get up to the bed.
Senior cats may also need help with grooming. You can help them by regular brushing and bathing them with a wash cloth or, if they let you, in the bath with pet shampoo.
Alumni Featured: Sally
When her senior human was diagnosed with dementia and no longer able to care for her, Sally found a second forever home through MGC.