benefits of adopting a senior cat
Anyone that’s had the pleasure of owning a senior cats knows the exceptional amount of love and companionship they bring to your life. Just in case you haven’t, here are a few of our favourite reasons to adopt a senior cat.
Laid Back
While many senior cats are still playful, they generally have less energy than younger cats. This often means they are quiet members of the family who are happy being pet, snuggled and loved.
Established Personality
Whether they are independent or snuggle bugs, senior cats already have established personalities, so if you’re looking for a cat with a particular personality in a cat adopting a senior cat is the way to have a cat that has a personality that can fit into your lifestyle.
More Independent
Generally, senior cats are more independent and don’t need the attention that younger cats or kittens need.
So Much Love
Most importantly, most senior cats are love bugs who are grateful to have a loving home and a human to snuggle up with at night.
Alumni Featured: Bo
When his senior human passed away, 16 year old Bo found his second forever home through MGC.