how to help your pet with weight loss
While they may not love it, if you notice your cat or dog has gained a little extra weight, it may be time to introduce a diet. Here are a few of our favourite veterinarian recommend tips to help.
Consult a Veterinary Professional
To ensure you are introducing safe weight loss management, it’s best to consult your veterinarian first to ensure your pet is being feed the correct amount of food. They can also review the Body Condition Score chart below with you to make sure a diet is necessary.
Small, Frequent Meals
Rather than providing a meal once a day, you can introduce small, more frequent meals to help your pet feel full and not create the opportunity for them to overeat.
Introduce Food Puzzles
Food puzzles, or games such as playing fetch with kibble, will help ensure your pet isn’t eating too quickly.
Encourage Exercise
Encourage your pet to exercise will also help with weight loss. You can do this through playing with toys, an exercise wheel, or even walks on a leash outside.
Alumni Featured: Flash
When his senior human passed away, Flash and his sister, Sophie, were in need of a second forever home, which they found through MGC.