
When Bella’s senior human was struggling to care for her, she knew she had to find her a second forever home. As she had dedicated much of her life to volunteering for animal rescues, it was important to her to choose who adopted Bella, so she decided to contact My Grandfather’s Cat.

She began working with our volunteer, Vivian, to find Bella a second forever home in Nova Scotia. As soon as our community saw her adorable face, applications began to roll in. The senior took her time, considered each applicant, and chose Tamara to be Bella’s second forever family.

The senior drove Bella three hours to Tamara’s home. Bella settled in, and Tamara gave the senior updates all the way, so she had the comfort of knowing Bella was okay.

Now, a few months later, Bella is thriving in her new home. She developed a new routine, loves watching cat TV and is a happy girl in her home. She sleeps in Tamara’s bed at night, and she often wakes up with Bella sleeping beside her head. Tamara and the senior decided to have an open adoption and the senior receives regular updates on Bella and her new family.

“Bella has been such a joy in our lives. She is very cherished in the home and I am forever thankful to be able to give her a good life just as much as she has added to mine. I am an advocate for MGC and am thankful to have adopted Bella through you.”


Quivers, Jeremy and Fluffy