When a senior gentleman passed away, his daughter instantly took in his best friend and beloved cat, Gem. While Gem thrived in their home, and became friends with their dog and children, they quickly realized their baby daughter was severely allergic to cats. They loved Gem, and knew they had to find a home for her, so they contacted My Grandfather’s Cat.
They began working with our volunteer, Mackenzie, to find a second forever home for Gem. As Gem is a loving girl who gets along with children and animals, applications began to roll in. After interviewing many, many applicants, the family chose Caitlin to be her family.
Gem settled in with Caitlin and her second forever family. She was the perfect addition for them, and they were able to give her the perfect second forever home.
“We are so grateful! We love our girl 💎 (and the family she has connected us to)”